Government of Canada is giving away billions of dollars every year for Scientific Research and Experimental Development (SR & ED) to boost Research and Innovation in Canada. Did you also know:
A) You can develop your product through a Third Party Developer like us and still be eligible to claim SR & ED tax credit?
B) The Research location can be anywhere in Canada; your place, our place or at a third party location?
Contact us for a FREE no obligation consultation.
Your opportunity to contribute to the Engineering Profession and in US/Canadian Society through Co-op Program, Internship, Job Shadowing, Mentorship, New Immigrant Engineer and Foreign Professional Integration and many other opportunities. Invaluable experience you get from these programs can launch your career in high gear. Contact us for more details.
Patent infringement law- suits can cost your company more than the development life cycle cost of your product.
A) Are you overlooking a patentable feature of your design?
B) Can your design make exhaustive number of claims?
C) But worst; is your design overlooking infringement of another technology or design?
For all work we do on your projects, we design it for patentability and maximise your SR & ED claims. All patent rights for all work we do on your projects are assigned to YOU.
Contact us for a FREE no obligation consultation.
Welcome to MechatroSoft. If you are a registered client, please login to get access to our password protected secured area. There are many valuable information that can be useful for you in carrying out your projects. This area is specifically created with you, our valuable clients, in mind to give you all of the help necessary for expedient execution of your projects and to carry out proprietary communication that public are not privy to.
Please login using the username and password that you used when registering. If you have forgotten the username or the password, please click on the appropriate link to retrieve it.
Remember, you must be logged on first to change your password. Otherwise, you will get an error message and things will not work properly.
If you still have difficulties logging in, please do not hesitate to let us know as soon as possible by contacting us through our Contacts page. Thank you for visiting our site. Keep Exploring.
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No matter what kind of product you develop and where you intend to sell them, you have to go through some kind of regulatory process before you can market your products.
At least one or more of the marks below may be mandatory for your products.
This is a very small list. Depending up on what product you are developing, there are many more.




















Develop your products with our knowledge and experience of compliance at the outset to reduce the repeated rejection-and-modification cycle with the regulatory agencies.
Contact us for a FREE no obligation consultation.